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i made a wreck out of my hand, i put it through the wall. [09 Aug 2010|03:34pm]
WHO: Jonathan Rousseau [SAWBONES] & Maggie Foster [PATRIOT].
WHAT: Doctors don't make the best patients. (But for now, it goes surprisingly well -- thank the drugs?)
WHEN: Sunday; after he wakes up for the first time, before he posts to the network.
WHERE: In the medical bay.

As Maggie busied herself with the IV and the paperwork, Jonathan found himself ruminating on the shifting balance between them. It could be condensed down to this simple fact: she was in the coat, he was in the bed. )
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Nothing is static. Everything is falling apart. [09 Aug 2010|07:50pm]
WHO: Madison Lee [Poe] & Sid Vesper
WHAT: A slightly awkward encounter and a mini-meltdown
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: Video rental store
STATUS: Complete

Rows of DVD cases sat like bright colored fruit, waiting to be picked simply because their cover art appealed to some moronic, human instinct to snatch up shiny objects. )
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[ viewing | August 9th, 2010 ]
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