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LOG. [05 Aug 2010|07:07pm]
WHO: Charlie Wyatt (FELIX) and August Rothstein (MR. MONEYBAGS)
WHAT: Charlie cracks an egg of knowledge for Mr. Rothstein. Drinking is involved.
WHEN: Saturday night fever (backdated).

Rothstein was a champion at holding his drink --- until the moment he suddenly wasn’t, of course. )
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[05 Aug 2010|10:37pm]
Who: Vesper and Elodie
Where: A few bars in downtown DC
When: Thursday night
What: Delayed Bastille Day celebrations PART ONE -- featuring Vesper's possession of an iPod loaded with Lady Gaga, prostitute counting and the need for debauchery -- and tipsy Elodie.

I think they would treat us better if they knew you could kill people )
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[05 Aug 2010|10:53pm]
Who: Elodie & Vesper
Where: A dive in DC
What: Bastille-Day Part Two
When: Several hours after first part!

the kind of unwashed vagabond women called ‘rugged’ under dim bar lighting )
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[05 Aug 2010|10:58pm]
TO: <> "Leonard Slater"
FROM: <> "Sid Vesper"
SUBJECT: Charlie Wyatt )
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[ viewing | August 5th, 2010 ]
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