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[03 Jul 2010|03:52am]
TO: <> "Prudence Quigley"
FROM: <> "Annemarie Wellington-Green"
SUBJECT: Notification. )
3 comments|post comment

YOU'VE ALL GOT MAIL. [03 Jul 2010|02:40pm]
TO: "Jude Maddox" <>
FROM: "Charlotte Wyatt" <>
SUBJECT: Training. )

TO: "Dean James" <>
FROM: "Charlotte Wyatt" <>
SUBJECT: Training. )

TO: "Master Li" <>
FROM: "Charlotte Wyatt" <>
SUBJECT: Training. )
7 comments|post comment

Log: Quack and Belka [03 Jul 2010|03:58pm]
Who: Holland Wilson and Kirill Dementiev.
Where: Holland's office.
When: Saturday afternoon.
What: As promised, Kirill attempts to follow through on his death threats. Dr. Wilson is both extremely unperturbed and unimpressed.

Well that wasn't very helpful. If you don't like gumdrops, you only have to say. )
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[ viewing | July 3rd, 2010 ]
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