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[10 Jun 2010|02:20am]
WHO: Daisy [MAIDEN] and Nick Doubleday [BOY SCOUT]
WHAT: A fancy dinner party's aftermath and the uncomfortable ride home.
WHEN: Backdated, last Monday.
RATING: Soft R for some profanity.

She was holding onto him, even now, with a grip that said what she couldn't. )
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FOR HR [10 Jun 2010|09:05am]
The HR team receive a list to disseminate and for sign ups. To be sent out when HR deems ready.

Arms dealer in Croatia selling Soviet-era weaponry and possibly non-Geneva Convention explosives. Eliminate. (TECHNICIANS, LANGUAGES, TWO AGENTS * OOC note)

Japanese bank to be shut down and funds liquidated into Agency account (FINANCIERS, HACKERS, AGENT)

Central America drug runners need to be found and traced back to source -- either get the suppliers on side or destroy. (TWO AGENTS)

Surveillance on senator RE: potential blackmail (AGENT)

Private security firm requires training for assignment in Switzerland (AGENT)

Slave-traders in Central America have taken daughter of a client, she must be extracted (THREE AGENTS)

Pipeline negotiations in Iran, need the process to go smoothly (AGENT)
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Thread: Razor and Ghost. [10 Jun 2010|03:46pm]
Who: Will and Mira.
Where: A local Panera Bread.
When: Early afternoon.
What: Mira makes good on her offer to get Will out of the Agency for awhile. Fingers crossed for it not going terribly.

Constraining as the limitations of the Agency walls were, they were also something that felt much safer than the alternative. For now, at least. )
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EMAIL TO MARTY DALTON [10 Jun 2010|07:49pm]
TO: <>
FROM: <>
SUBJECT: FWD: Your Order with )
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EMAIL TO HANDLERS. [10 Jun 2010|10:19pm]
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