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[07 Jun 2010|02:12am]
FROM: <>
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Email [07 Jun 2010|08:36am]
TO: "Daisy Doubleday"
FROM: <>, "Vesna Soroka"
SUBJECT: You aren't at your desk )
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[07 Jun 2010|11:11am]
TO: <> "Daisy Doubleday"
FROM: <> "S. Nowaczyk"
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[07 Jun 2010|02:34pm]
TO: "HR Head Level 5"
FROM: "HR Level 7"

With the new missions being sent out within the week, we would advise you to maintain extra awareness of agent placement and activity in their areas. It is not being circulated widely within the Agency but one of Seven's Agents was killed over the weekend, while investigating a potential breach of Agency security. It is possible, while unlikely, that this has something to do with Black. Please emphasize caution to your Handling staff at all times. We will update you if/when this information may be disseminated within your department.

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[07 Jun 2010|06:18pm]
TO: <> "Julian Lincoln"
FROM: <> "Seth Yeoman"
SUBJECT: Stand-Down

Tell me this won't last long, or I will have to resort to poking newbies with sticks to keep myself entertained.

I do not do inactivity well.
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LOG. [07 Jun 2010|10:16pm]
WHO: Jonathan Rousseau (SAWBONES) & Katia Mendes (TRAMP).
WHAT: One partygirl gets in the way of one Agency mission. Also known as: Ever wanted to know the particular backstory behind these two? Or: How Katia earned her codename!
WHEN: Late autumn, 2009.
WHERE: A yacht in the Greek Islands.

My dad will kill you! Or both of you! I swear to God, if anything happens to me you'll both wish you'd killed each other! )
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Evelyn and Julian [07 Jun 2010|10:25pm]
Evelyn had yet to work with D.C. She assumed that the moment to meet would come soon enough through one mission or another but so far they all seemed to be stationary. She hated these periods. For every day she went without a job she gained a pair of heels or a shiny new gun to learn. That part wasn't bad, the bill that would eventually come was the troublesome bit. She would never understand how people afforded children with such beautiful things in the world.

"You must be my new Handler," she said evenly, seeing no need in introducing herself further. An adept Handler would have read her file by now. "Any word on when we are going to be put to use again?" She placed the box she was carrying on his desk, taking a seat and waiting with full attention for his answer.
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