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The In-Between Place

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exploring the ground floor [Mar. 10th, 2008|06:45 pm]
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Who: John Casey, Rory Gilmore, Open.
((continued directly from the post "Falling down the rabbit hole"))

"It sounds nice," John told her honestly. The place she described was looking like a wonderful place in his head. Much better than some of the places he'd lived.

The pair exited the kitchen by a door that John assumed led to the rest of the ground floor, rather than going back up the stairs they'd come from. The first room they entered outside the kitchen was the dining room. Not a formal dining room, but it was beautiful all the same.

"Wow," he almost whispered.

The room was decorated in a deep red, the color balanced by sunlight from the setting sun pouring in through the window, and the flawless white of the dishes on the table. There were eight place settings around the table, each seemingly waiting for an occupant to feed. Again, John wondered where the owners of the house were.

John ran his hand over the smooth wood of the table, feeling the nicks and gouges from many years of use. There were some spots that were shinier than others, from so many people resting their arms while they ate, and other places where he could almost imagine he could see writing etched onto the surface from kids doing their homework on the table. It was an old-fashioned table, to be sure, but it was loved and cared for. There was not a speck of dust to be seen, and the table gleamed from a fresh polish.
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Falling down the rabbit hole [Mar. 4th, 2008|12:05 am]

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[mood | stressed]

who: Rory Gilmore & OPEN
what: Arrival

Rory was starting to feel like maybe this whole Chilton thing was a very bad idea. It was supposed to help her get into Harvard, but so far it had only made her feel like a miserable, lonely failure. Like she wasn't smart enough and that her dream was unachievable.

Not that Paris and Tristian were helping that feeling at all. They were probably three quarters of the problem. Constantly calling her 'Mary' and finding ways to cut her down. How had anyone ever survived being the new kid in this place if this was how they were treated?

After another particularly bad run-in with Paris - the teachers seemed to want to constantly throw them together because of the close proximity of Gilmore and Geller in the alphabet - Rory had gone in search of some unused classroom so she could attempt to not be quite so pathetically behind her classmates anymore. Her heels clicked on the ancient floor as she walked down the hall looking for signs that there was a single room unoccupied. Eventually she reached a storage closet and figured that nobody would ever look for her in there.

She turned the knob and stepped inside, pulling it closed behind her while facing the door. The room seemed a lot brighter than she'd expected for well, a closet, and she turned around to find herself in what was clearly not a storage closet. Because first of all, most closets don't have windows. And most closets aren't bigger than the entire lower floor of her house in Stars Hallow. The room was not entirely out of character for the style of Chilton Academy's architecture, but she just knew she was some where else...

"Where am I?"
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