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The In-Between Place

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The only thing consistant is change. [Mar. 4th, 2008|12:33 am]

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[mood | gloomy]

who: Veronica Mars & OPEN
what: Arrival

Veronica sighed as she carried the first box of her belongings from the stack in the living room of the extremely downgraded living arrangments she was now sharing with her dad and her Pit Bull puppy Backup. The apartment wasn't really that bad. It was just them, so how much space did they really need? Yet at the same time this was just the latest in a long and evergrowing list of things that had changed in her life since October and she was more than ready for it to just stop already. She needed some sort of stability... a moment to believe everything was okay. It wasn't like her dad wasn't trying. He was, but she felt like he was grasping for normal just as much as she was.

Whatever 'normal' meant, anyway. Maybe they both just needed to accept that this was the new normal. He as a disgraced former sheriff, she as the school outcast whose former friends would rather spit on her than talk to her, both devoid of the wife and mother they miss so much.

She smiled at the fact that her dad had already put up a picture of her as a little girl on the shelf by hallway as she passed it, heading for her new room. She was trying to console herself with the idea that she had the bigger room and her own bathroom, but this place wasn't home. It wasn't even really theirs and it was taking all her strength not to breakdown and cry as she reached for the doorknob. "Why did those stupid movers close the door when they brought the furniture in?" she muttered, trying to balance the box as she opened the door.

What greeted her on the other side was so not the room she remembered the real estate agent showing them last week. Unless her new bedroom was all of the sudden the forest. Last she checked the ocean should be outside her bedroom window. Beach - sand, sun, surf... maybe some rocks... that would make sense if part of the building had fallen off in an earthquake she didn't remember happening... but a forest?

"What the hell?" she breathed, turning to go find her father only to find the doorway somehow gone. "Uh... okay... not good," she said, adjusting her grip on the box she was carrying as she decided to continue forward in the hopes of finding someone. A few minutes later she came across a worn-down building... but not one that looked totally abandoned. Taking a breath she put her box down by the door and pushed it open, heading inside.

"Hello?" she called out, "Is there anybody here?!"

Maybe she should try to find a phone?
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