The In-Between Place - February 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The In-Between Place

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February 25th, 2008

Marco... [Feb. 25th, 2008|11:43 am]
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Who: Temperance Brennan, Open
What: Entrance

...Polo. )

She stopped dead, taking in the flagstone floor, the wooden tables and chairs, the oil lamps and crackling fireplace, and took an uncertain step back, her eyes travelling to the heavy oak door. To go back would be to face the bemused, derisive, and - worst of all - sympathetic stares of her classmates. To go forward... she didn't even know. And so instead she found herself standing there frozen, caught in indecision.
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[Feb. 25th, 2008|09:46 pm]
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Who: Jed & Open
What: Arrival

Jed glanced at his watch and realised with a curse that he was going to be late for class. He was late for the second time this week, in fact, and there was sure to be a row if Dad found out. And oh, his father was going to find out; have no doubt of that. The advantage that came with being the headmaster's son is that you got free tuition. One of the many, considerably larger disadvantages was that your every transgression, no matter how small, quickly worked its way back to your parents' ears.

For any of the other boys, repeated tardiness might have warranted a detention. Jed did not have the luxury of being held to such a low standard. Because that was the other disadvantage of being the headmaster's son: Everything you did reflected on him. And evidently, Jed was capable of nothing but disappointment.

Hurriedly shrugging on his blazer, Jed snatched up his textbooks and made a sprint across the quadrangle. The ground was slick with moisture from the recent rain and twice he nearly went head over heels before skidding to a halt at the door. So caught up was he in his hurry to get to class that he didn't even notice the unusual heaviness of the door as he yanked it open, nor the entirely unfamiliar patterns etched into the dark oaken wood.

In fact, it wasn't until he shut the door behind him and turned, excuse at the ready, to face Mr. Hopkins' reproof that he realised that the room he'd just entered was in no way reminiscent of the English classroom it was supposed to hold.
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