Mar. 25th, 2008 @ 10:12 am No Room at the Inn
About this Event...
location: downtown Austin
Resonance: curious
Theme: "Turn the Page," Metallica

Stainless Steel and its watcher walk around downtown Austin for a bit looking for a hotel with some vacancy, but with the plastic surgeon convention in town it is a grueling search. Finally, after a couple of hours, they return to the World's End, in the hopes that Azrael might have some more insight regarding motels further from the city center. They arrive just at closing time, as a line of patrons is slowly streaming out the door. Azrael is inside wiping down tables, and Jack is helping the bartender clean up behind the bar.

The band steps inside, and for the first time they catch sight of an older gentleman in a tweed jacket sitting at the bar, nervously fingering a glass of scotch. He does not appear to be going anywhere anytime soon.
Mar. 25th, 2008 @ 10:12 am Church-Going Folk
About this Event...
location: downtown Austin
Resonance: awake
Theme: "Master of Puppets," Hellsau

The Preacher leaves the World's End first, as he has a nightclub to open. The mystery of the World's End still eludes him, but he has faith that God will reveal the answers to him when he is worthy. A few hours later, Lilly calls Zaid, and her party -- Adrian, Jon, and Molly -- heads out to the sidewalk to await the limo. It is perhaps more than a coincidence that the route Zaid takes towards the hotel in which Adrian is staying stops at a light just outside the Preacher's nightclub -- the Cathedral.

The place looks like it would be more at home somewhere in Northern England, its dark gothic architecture, spiked flying buttresses, and leering gargoyles a bizarre counterpoint to the thrumming of industrial music that emanates from its facade.

Not far away, Nicki, still looking for something to occupy her for the evening, rounds a corner into a small park and finds herself looking up at the towering Cathedral, as well. Providence, it would seem, is feeling generous.