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customs and nocturnal aaronimals [28 Jul 2017|04:50pm]

I got a few complaints at using the c word and I don't want to start off as the asshole of the group so here we go again. I'm aaron, I love my two daughters, my dog, photography, acting sometimes and multi-partner sex. I'm single, currently living in los angeles and I can be shy. I'd rather hike than go to a club and I've had chris evans grab my left boob. who are you, what word just sets you off and whats your claim to fame?
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[21 Jul 2017|06:06pm]

Late to the game, but: San Diego, we are in you. Who's here? Let me know, I'll amble over and say hi.

TBF 2 )
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customs! i'll give it to you [20 Jul 2017|01:03pm]

Hey, I'm Zac. I'm known for doing crazy, sometimes stupid things, but who doesn't love having a good time? In the spirit of crazy, answer one of the following:

1. Tell me the most adventurous thing you've ever done or the craziest place you've had sex.
2. What is one thing you normally do in clothes that you wouldn't mind doing naked?
3. Show me in gif form something that turns you on.
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Customs seem to be the thing. [20 Jul 2017|08:20am]

[ mood | Caffeine☕️ ]
[ music | Elliott Smith - Thirteen ]

I'm Sebastian and I was told I'm supposed to engage you other humans and ask something.
Hans Christian Andersen said "Where words fail, music speaks." What song says more about you than language ever could?

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aim finecpine or customs [10 Jul 2017|11:04pm]

Evening folks, Chris Pine here.

I'm one of the Chrises, but Im the DC Chris. Have all of you seen Wonder Woman? if not? What the hell is the matter with you? If you have, what's your favorite part? I mean, Gal, obviously.
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customs, ladies and gents [10 Jul 2017|09:33pm]

I'm Tom and I like to serenade. Tell me something you like.
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[05 Jul 2017|08:17pm]

Challenge: try to name one thing that's better than this one panel of this one page of this one comic book. You can't do it. Though the week I'm currently having comes close.

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Customs please? [29 Jun 2017|11:56am]

Hi, I'm Kaya. You all know me as the only one with ovaries in the Maze Runner series and from Skins and from — ugh, sod it! I'm not very good at intros, obviously. Who's in here? And who's up for a beer?
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[23 Jun 2017|06:12pm]

Yo! I'm Carlos, I'm a superhero on the CW with a lot of y'all, and I'm the kind of guy who unironically still says 'yo.'

I'm also struggling to enjoy what's left of vacation time before it's back to Vancouver and the whole work thang, so I figured I'd ask for suggestions. What do you guys do when work's approaching and you need to get into a good mindset? Travel? Netflix?
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bonsoir night owls. bonjour early birds. [20 Jun 2017|02:16am]
during a nap this afternoon, i envisioned being chased by a killer polka-dot handkerchief. not sure what hidden undertones that holds but i have become wary of napkins.

what was the last nightmare you recall having?
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customs seem to be the thing. [19 Jun 2017|08:39pm]


I'm Holland and I think we should find out, shouldn't we?
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Ask and you shall receive. [11 Jun 2017|05:09pm]

I'm Charlie and I'm sitting here watching Trolls and eating popcorn all by myself. Is it hug time?

Tell me something manly so I can get some man points back.
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customs, so I can see how brilliant you are. [09 Jun 2017|09:34pm]

Ello, ello, ello! I'm Daisy and you might know me from this little film called Star Wars.

I have this very obnoxious habit of popping into ransome song when and wherever I am. What is a bad or good habit of yours?
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▪️customs for now▪️ [09 Jun 2017|09:31pm]

I'm Michael and this is my level of visual humour.

Salvador Dalí eating a bowl of Surreal.

Show me something you find funny.
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customs are welcome! [08 Jun 2017|11:11am]

I'm Sophia and you guys are all awesome already. Justin is an ass whose one of my good friends and suggested I come here and I'm glad I did!

Tell me one thing that makes you happy. Mine is books, food and traveling. I can go on and on but those are my favorite.
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customs for now [08 Jun 2017|03:49am]

I'm Ian and I my main goal is to be Santa Claus so I can have people sit on my lap.
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trashymarilyn & customs [06 Jun 2017|08:28pm]

I broke all my fan's heart this Valentine's Day by saying my latest album was going to be released and didn't do it after all...What's some fucked up shit you've done to your fans?
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customs - aim - anything and everything is ok [06 Jun 2017|07:25pm]

im justin and i am finally at a computer i can chat with all of you
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Do it for the customs [06 Jun 2017|10:54am]

Hey-o, all. Sebastian Stan here. Winter Solider. Chase Collins, Carter Baizen (if you're nasty). Coming at you from Romania & LA , bringing you the sass, the class, and the...alright, ran out of things. It's early here and I can't sleep so what do I do? Hypothesize. Which means y'all should too. But since I'm a generous god (name that movie & you get a cookie), Ill give you the choice of questions...

What's the one thing in your career that you've always wanted to do? Or what's one thing in the bedroom you've always wanted to do.

Help cure my boredom, allusive members. You're my only hope.
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