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May. 29th, 2012


WHO: Liberty
WHAT: Special delivery.
WHERE: B Block, the area around Elliot's cell.
WHEN: 05/30/19, afternoon.
RATING: Medium for language, maybe?
STATUS: In progress.

The cell block seemed so much longer than it had before, but she kept going, pausing just out of sight and looking down at the two pieces of paper in her hand. )


WHO: Rae, open to one-sided reaction from Elliot, whenever he gets out of Brandon's lockup.
WHAT: An apology gift and a note.
WHERE: Left on their bed.
RATING: Low/medium?

Can we please talk this out, babe? I want to fix it. )


WHO: Brandon, Elliot and David
WHAT: Brandon foils Elliot's plans to go to the government facility alone by... locking him in a jail cell?
WHERE: Sing Sing, garage.
WHEN: May 29th, 2019, shortly after the government attack.
RATING: Medium-high for language and fighting, because it's Brandon and Eli and they do that.
STATUS: In progress.

Instinct—or maybe it was paranoia, sometimes it was hard to tell the difference—told Brandon to sweep the area and make sure no more government assholes were hanging around. )

May. 24th, 2012


WHO: David, open to reactions from Lilah, Ellie and Elliot
WHAT: Gifts procured on a looting trip.
WHERE: Left outside their respective rooms in gift boxes.
RATING: Undoubtedly low.

To Elliot )
To Lilah )
To Ellie )


WHO: Open to all at Sing Sing
WHAT: The government raid.
WHERE: Sing Sing, various locations.
WHEN: Forward dated to May 29th, 2019; 2:00 pm.
RATING: Inevitably, high for language and violence.
STATUS: In progress.

The rundown )

May. 11th, 2012


WHO: Elliot and Rae, with probable mentions of David
WHEN: May 11, 2019; afternoon
WHERE: Bellevue, Pennsylvania; Elliot's apartment
WHAT: Exploring the ruins.
RATING: Medium, probs.

★ ★ ★ )

May. 6th, 2012


WHO: David and Elliot
WHAT: Sad brother time. Featuring the Zimmerman classic game: Drunk Checkers.
WHERE: The dining area, Sing Sing.
WHEN: 05/06/19, night.
RATING: Medium for swearing.
STATUS: In progress.

He finally made his move, jumping Elliot's black checker with his red one and unknowingly setting his brother up for a quadruple jump. )

May. 2nd, 2012


WHO: Elliot. Open to reaction from Rae.
WHEN: May 2, 2019. Evening.
WHERE: Rae and Eli's apartment. Sing Sing.
WHAT: Presents!

★ ★ ★ )

Apr. 28th, 2012


WHO: Evan and Elliot
WHAT: Drunk bro time. Yes indeedy.
WHERE: Guard tower 4.
WHEN: April 28th, 2019, nighttime.
RATING: Probs medium for language.
STATUS: In progress

Evan wasn't a very big fan of beer, but if it got him drunk, he was pretty okay with it right then... )

Apr. 24th, 2012


WHO: Rae and Elliot
WHAT: A spontaneous, messy date.
WHERE: Sing Sing, out and about on the grounds.
WHEN: 04/24/19, after this.
RATING: Low, possibly medium.
STATUS: In progress

She wasn't ready for her good night to be over yet, and when she was with Elliot, it could only get better, right? )

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