March 26th, 2013

[info]prettydeadly in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Rae and Silas
WHAT: Reunion and a somewhat muted birthday celebration.
WHERE: The roof of Guard Building 1.
WHEN: [FORWARD DATED] March 29th, 2020, afternoon
RATING: Medium, maybe?

Right now, all she wanted was to be there with him. )

[info]thoughshebends in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Kori
WHEN: [BACKDATED] March 25th, 2020; morning
WHERE: Her cell
WHAT: Kori puts her keepsakes away

In some ways, it felt like another step that needed to be taken in her grief, but in a lot of ways it poked at wounds that she was trying so hard to heal.  )