August 27th, 2012

[info]caravahlo in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Marcus and David
WHEN: Backdated to sometime after the cat... 26th, morning?
WHERE: At the vet center!
WHAT: Marcus has questions. So many of them.
RATING: Medium for Marcus Mouth, as per usual

He has a cat in his pants. I don't even know, guys. )

[info]takenonames in [info]immune_ic

WHO: B & S
WHAT: Throwing apple bombs at smashers in the pits. Like bosses.
WHERE: The roof of guard tower 3.
WHEN: 08/27 ;; evening
RATING: Medium because language.

A cure for the itch. )

[info]takenonames in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Brandon to Maddie, open to reaction
WHAT: Gift delivery.
WHERE: Outside Maddie's cell.
WHEN: Right before this.

Presents ftw. )