Ramblings of a Misanthropic Anthropologist - December 11th, 2007

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December 11th, 2007

01:37 pm - Air Gear - Drought
Series: Air Gear
Characters: Kazu, Spitfire
Pairing: Spitfire+Kazu
Type: angst, missing scene
Warnings: Loose grasp of characterization as it's my first attempt.
Spoilers: Major spoiler for ch162 and thereabouts. Also won't make any sense out of context.
Word Count: 250
Etc: Because I swear this is what really happened in canon, or it could've and nobody would've been surprised. I also had to express my love for Air Gear somehow.

the taste of dried-up hopes in my mouth )
Current Mood: blah
Current Music: Vienna Teng - Shine

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