InsaneJournal Styles' Journal
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Monday, February 23rd, 2009

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    Style id guide?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but it seems to be the best I could find. If I've goofed, kindly direct me to the more appropriate forum, thank you.

    I'm setting up a page with my journal embedded in it. Along the way I've run into a few snags which I won't go into much detail about here. But one thing does seem to merit bringing up:

    Is there a guide to the available styles or styleid numbers? I've gone through a few manually to see what might be available and found the lowest numbers (other than zero) seemed to be variations of calendar or archive views and much in the teens or twenties, if they existed at all, were variations of friends list views. The high twenties and low thirties showed a few journal views.

    I know that as a permanent account holder I can make the exact style I want, if I can just figure out how, however it seemed likely that there might be a style I'd find suitable that is already in existence. Thus do i wonder if there is any such guide to available styleid numbers. I don't seek to snag something someone set up just for themselves, but perhaps there might be some that are "for public consumption." I'll also note that, right now, the example styleid of 101 seems not to exist and will generate an error ("[InsaneJournal: Bad username, styleid, or style definition]")if used.

    Current Mood: curious

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