Nikki ([info]nakeisha) wrote in [info]ij_siteschemes,
I am sorry that you think I was rude, that was never my intention at all. However, your response is not overly civil.

When I made my original comment about the new code being made to work in older versions of IE but not Opera, it was to Squeaky's comment. When you stepped in and mentioned that no one had said there were any issues with Opera and what were the problems, I thought that you were working officially with Squeaky and thus were interested in the whole issue. I apologise for making that incorrect assumption.

I came to his Comm because I am interested in the whole thing, including the new schemes, working in Opera. I can't offer any coding help, but as a user of Opera I can at least say what the problems are - and I did point out the problems with the new schemes. So I was not being discourteous, I was genuinely trying to help get the whole thing working with Opera.

I apologise that I misunderstood your interest and your part in the whole thing - but I really did think that you were asking about Opera generally. I do not think my comments were rude or discourteous - I'm sorry you took them that way. It is not in my nature to be either and I'm very upset that you think I am/it was.

The comment was not meant to be off-topic, not at all. You asked, I answered, I was not rude. I would be more than happy to do screen caps of the problem that the new schemes have in Opera.

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