I Hate My Ex
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in I Hate My Ex's InsaneJournal:

    Monday, September 20th, 2004
    2:41 am
    Hi New Here
    hi i just joined. yea my ex drives me nuts. We have a son together and so im stuck dealing with him for awhile. i think i would have been better off sometimes if i would have just said i didnt know who the father was. but i didnt. and yea he irks me a lot. the latest dealings with him are in my regular journal. much fun.
    Tuesday, July 27th, 2004
    11:18 am
    Welcom Delfinechica!
    Feel free to post an intro or just a rant.

    My first story:

    My Ex is passive-aggressive. So when I ask him something, say, could I have the kids for a few hours two weekends from now for a major family reunion? He will avoid answering me until the day before... whether he's saying yes or no! That makes me NUTS. He even does this when I am trying to plan their birthday parties... I need to be able to SET THE DATE AND TIME. It helps when you are trying to invite people.

    A great example of how much of a jerk he is happened when I left him. We had 2 kids one of which I had JUST given birth to. He refused to move out of the apartment, saying he wasn't going to "make it easy" for me. I was the one who had to move, with a three year old and a newborn! Then he refused to give me all my books. THEY WERE MINE. He barely reads! That made me crazy because books are precious to me.

    Thank you for listening, I have many more rants on the way.

    Current Mood: awake
    Monday, July 26th, 2004
    6:25 pm
    First Official Entry
    Hi All, I am witchchild. I just created this asylum as a place for me and anyone else who cares to, to bitch about their exes.

    My ex drives me crazy... I have 2 kids with him and we share custody and I have so many crazy ex stories about him you just wouldn't believe it...

    I am a 37 year old woman, happily married, mom of three kids. I am a liberal democrat, an artist and writer, a Pagan, a poet and a whole bunch of other things too. I hope that people will see this place and be glad to have a space to vent where they won't be judged.

    Sometimes our exes just bring out the worst in us don't they?

    Current Mood: awake
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