Tephra ([info]tephra) wrote in [info]ideas,
@ 2007-12-28 01:17:00

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Automatic age verification
As a maintainer of an adult oriented asylum I would dearly love to have some internal automatic age verification. Right now maintainers have to manually check the age of anyone requesting to join their communities and this forces people to publicly display at least the year portion of their date of birth (or to email the maintainers, creating more work for everyone).

What I would like to have:

1. A hidden tag on accounts to mark them 18+. This would be opt-in and would not require any publicly visible information in their profile (though I suppose some people might want it visible and maybe that should be opt-in as well).

2. A setting on asylums that restricts memberships to 18+ and automatically checks for the tag on any account that tries to join.

People from LJ probably recognize this as the only useful part of their flagging system.

Related to this, if an asylum is restricted to 18+ it should be possible for a maintainer to make public, unrestricted, posts. This gives the option of putting some asylum information on the main page and not just in the asylum info (and makes the layouts prettier). LJ users will notice that this is not possible with LJ's flagging system.

Tangentially related question: Is there currently a way to set an asylum friends only AND have public posts? I figured out how to friends lock my asylum through the admin console but as far as I can tell I cannot set the security of posts to public now. I'd like to have a "no, this really isn't dead, just adults only" post while having the default security on new posts be friends only. :)

Entirely unrelated: The "read this first" post linked in this asylum's info hasn't been updated since 2005 and was made by a deleted account. Maybe that should be updated?

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2007-12-28 01:15 pm UTC (link)
Yes. There is a way to set your asylum, to friends only AND have public posts.

The friendslock command only effects the initial post - members and yourself can edit the security level.

Uh, which is why I have to check one of my flocked communities for public posts.

There is no way to stop the editing to public.

Personally while I like having automation for the age checking for restricted comms, I'm not so sure about the flocking, since LJ's system fails somewhat in that regard.

The other thing that is fucked up with LJ's flagging system is the removal of LJ-cuts - it means that warnings are unable to be seen outside of the post which makes it harder for people to know what the post is about...

I think with LJ's current setting there is a way to do a pinned / note thing that will stay up despite flagging. It's only with some layouts and comes under the custimsation options.

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2007-12-28 07:03 pm UTC (link)
*fiddles* Yay, a public post. Though apparently only people that are already members can comment on it. Drat. I was hoping to give them a quick way to state their age in a screened comment when they try to join. Oh well.

The only aspect I want from LJ's system is the age check on join attempt.

I don't want any of their stupid content cuts, a well written post with a plain old lj-cut is just fine and ultimately just as secure (since if you're underage and logged out all you have to do is click the "yeah, I'm 18+" button anyway, if you didn't lie when you set up your LJ in the first place). I most especially do not want anything that allows anyone other than the original poster (or in communities, the mods) to flag individual posts or journals.

I just don't want to have to manual check user info pages for dates, nor do I want to force people to display their personal information just to join my asylum.

Hmm, the guest book entry (on layouts that have it) isn't covered in LJ's flagging system? Interesting.

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2007-12-29 05:09 am UTC (link)
> *fiddles* Yay, a public post. Though apparently only people that are already members can comment on it. Drat. I was hoping to give them a quick way to state their age in a screened comment when they try to join. Oh well.

Er that's just a setting in the community options - you've set it so that only registered users can post (of which there really isn't any point since you can't comment anon on a friendslocked post... *g* )

Give me a sec I'll see where you set it.

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2007-12-29 05:12 am UTC (link)
Go here: http://www.insanejournal.com/manage/comments/

Select work as user *community name* - enable commenting from registered users or everyone...

Registered users should just be - has an InsaneJournal account.

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2007-12-29 06:02 am UTC (link)
Thank you!

Thinks are just enough different from LJ to leave me pulling my hair at times.

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