Ny ([info]not_yet_defined) wrote in [info]ideas,
@ 2007-10-23 23:35:00

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Ability to purchase more userpics (yes, over the 500)
It's a little insane I know. 500 should be enough right? Wrong.

Squeaky, some of us are crazy enough to pay vast sums of money more for an increased number of userpics.

I don't have a specific # in mind. I just know 500 is not enough. And I know others out there feel my pain.

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2007-12-06 03:32 am UTC (link)
That's why I only offered it for a limited time. Keep an eye out for the next sale of this unique item.

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2007-12-06 12:01 pm UTC (link)
See, this is what I get for throwing my oar in on old posts. ;)

Will watch carefully. :)

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