March 16th, 2009

[info]rainbowling in [info]iconning

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[info]rainbowling in [info]iconning

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[info]rainbowling in [info]iconning

Photoshop Basics

Please help me compile a list of basic Photoshop functions and techniques (with definitions) for people who may be unfamiliar!

  • Actions: Actions are a way to record the steps you take in making an icon and "play" them on another icon. This lets you make icons really fast - if you apply all the same layers and variables on it.
    Tutorials: One

  • Curves: The curves tool (available as an image adjustment or as a new layer) can take input tones and selectively stretch or compress them. In plainer language, you can adjust both brightness and color balance using curves.
    Tutorials: One, Two

  • Selective Color: This tool (available as an image adjustment or as a new layer) lets youlighten/darken specific colors and add/subtract sub-colour values. In plainer language, it lets you edit the color balance of individual colors.
    Tutorials: One

If you know of tutorials for any of these, please comment with a link!

[info]rainbowling in [info]iconning

Paint Shop Pro Basics

Please help me compile a list of basic Paint Shop Pro functions and techniques (with definitions) for people who may be unfamiliar!

  • Name: Explanation.

If you know of tutorials for any of these, please comment with a link!

[info]rainbowling in [info]iconning

Gimp Basics

Please help me compile a list of basic Gimp functions and techniques (with definitions) for people who may be unfamiliar!

  • Name: Explanation.

If you know of tutorials for any of these, please comment with a link!

[info]rainbowling in [info]iconning



If you know of any useful tutorials, please comment with a link! And feel free to post new entries with your own tutorials or links to tutorials too. This is just a resource post.