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Nov. 28th, 2009


Seth Rogen in Fanboys

MOVED TO [info]padme

Nov. 10th, 2009


Hayden Christensen in Freefall

MOVED TO [info]padme


Kristen Bell in Reefer Madness

MOVED TO [info]padme

Nov. 6th, 2009


Bhumika Chawla (100 icons)

Note: Both [info]swansong and [info]peoplesquared have a lot of icons of her already, though I started out making these simply because I am using her as a PB myself. I tried not to duplicate many pictures that either of them have already iconned, but I'm sure I did inadvertently. Also some of these look really orange and gross. Sorry.

100 icons )

Dec. 16th, 2008


Samia Smith (150 icons and 1 banner)

Note: This is my favorite PB ever. There will be many more sets of her coming, though I only hope I can stop making them look so washed out. She has a really gorgeous skin tone, but unfortunately it's hard with the Coronation Street caps to keep that yet prevent the icon from looking bad. D:

150 icons )

Dec. 8th, 2008


Kristen Schaal in Flight of the Conchords

MOVED TO [info]padme

Jun. 28th, 2008


Olivia Lufkin (90 icons)

Note: These were requested by [info]0000000 AGES ago and I really hope she still needs them but if not I apologize profusely. I haven't iconned since May, since things were loads crazier than I thought they would be between classes and work and stuff. I'm glad to be iconning again though! This is Olivia Lufkin and she is half-American, half-Ryukyuan (Okinawan).

90 icons )

Jan. 14th, 2008


Riyo Mori 森理世 (94 icons)

Note: Mori is her family name and Riyo is her given name. I don't really like iconning models, since so many people do it well and I'm personally not a fan of using them as PBs, and I think I've gone and done worse. Mori Riyo is actually Miss Universe, but I'm horribly weak and she's Japanese so here are the icons. I do also feel really bad for her, because she's on this TV show on MTV or VH1 or something with Miss USA and Miss Teen USA and they are really big bitches and they don't let her talk or anything because she's Japanese and likely knows little English and has a thick accent. It's bullshit.

94 icons )

Dec. 10th, 2007


Maggie Gyllenhaal

MOVED TO [info]padme


Hunter Parrish

MOVED TO [info]padme

Dec. 9th, 2007


Adam Herald (14 icons)

Note: I normally don't like using models as PBs and also don't really care to make icons from models (especially since there are so many others who do and make fabulous icons), but I used him as a PB and upon finding a few new pictures, decided to post them here.

14 icons )


Mary-Louise Parker (135 icons and 1 banner)

Note: I had about 70 icons of her up, but I redid them all and added more. They weren't good by any means, since they were made before I learned how to use the sharpen tool and how to add layers. Some of these here are a bit off in the coloring since I tried to make them look good in my Firefox browser before I realized that my browser makes everything look washed out and that in most other broswers these icons would look funny. So I stopped overcompensating for my browser halfway through and that's why there's a bit of a difference. tl;dr

135 icons and 1 banner )


Samia Smith (37 icons)

Note: This is my favorite PB ever. I had about 130 icons of her but they were hosted on GJ and were therefore eaten. Here are newer ones.

37 icons )

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