January 14th, 2008

[info]rainbowling in [info]icondilemma

Riyo Mori 森理世 (94 icons)

Note: Mori is her family name and Riyo is her given name. I don't really like iconning models, since so many people do it well and I'm personally not a fan of using them as PBs, and I think I've gone and done worse. Mori Riyo is actually Miss Universe, but I'm horribly weak and she's Japanese so here are the icons. I do also feel really bad for her, because she's on this TV show on MTV or VH1 or something with Miss USA and Miss Teen USA and they are really big bitches and they don't let her talk or anything because she's Japanese and likely knows little English and has a thick accent. It's bullshit.

94 icons )