January 16th, 2010

[info]_alicesprings in [info]icon_finder

206 Icons!

I'd like some icons from the dinner at Deb's scene in 206. You know the one, where everyone congratulates Justin for getting back in to PIFA and Brian lays a big one on him at the table and then grabs his cock and they grope each other in the kitchen.

The one that kills me with the adorableness!!! You know, THAT ONE!

*clings to small amount of season 2 happiness*

Also, I'd love it if you guys pimped this comm in your journals. The more members we have, the more icons we will find! Thanks!

[info]_alicesprings in [info]icon_finder

101 Icons!

So [info]vl_redreign and I were talking about how there are a lot of episodes we don't have icons from, and because IJ is the best place in the world and offers 5000 ICON SPACES I see no reason not to have icons from every episode!

Once a week I will post a request for an episode. Please offer up any icons you have from the episode, not just B/J ones. We'll start with 101.
This icon *points* is by LJ's raelala

Feel free to keep making your own requests here in the meantime for any episode you like!

ETA: Please post each icon in its own separate comment so that the replies don't "flatten down" or whatever the technical term is, LOL.