Chaos Theory - October 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Chaos Theory

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October 7th, 2008

[Oct. 7th, 2008|12:12 am]


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Who: Theodore Altman & Anna Marie D'Ancanto
NPCs: ---
When: 7th October, 2008
Where: Salem Academy: Computer Lab
What: Falling off chairs and finding pencils.
Rating: G

His mind kept drifting to food, to that awesome Jet Li movie he had saw last night, and anything that had absolutely nothing to do with his assignment. )
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Phoenix, Ghost [Oct. 7th, 2008|11:33 pm]
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Who: Robert Drake, Jubilation Lee
NPCs: A raccoon.
When: October 7 2008
Where: New York, Salem Academy
What: Bobby and Jubilee versus the Raccoon.
Rating: PG

'My name's not Fuzzy, you big old perv!' )

[Open to: Ghost]
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