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Inevitable Attraction

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[May. 5th, 2010|07:39 pm]
[mood | bored]

The name's Wil and I hail from all over but most recently Seattle. I'm hoping to stay here for a while as I need the quiet for a bit.

Someone hit me up at WilsWrath. I'm almost always available to chat and could use the company.
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[May. 3rd, 2010|01:14 pm]

Hello, I'm Gaspard.

I just moved out here to get away from the city and relax. I'm a certified doctor and a psychiatrist so you can always come to me if you're having problems.
Anyway, if you want to get to know me more just IM me at roseforamurderer, I'm almost always on.
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[May. 3rd, 2010|02:40 pm]
My name is Hope ...I've never known my last name... Nor have I ever known my parents. All I know about them is that my father was the alpha of his pack, and my mother was a bit of an outcast. There was a revolt and they both died. The pack raised me, but would never speak their names.

Meh. Need friends, so don't be scared. I don't bite too hard.

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[Apr. 30th, 2010|07:12 pm]
Hi! The name's Hayley Nichole and I've been here about my whole damned life. I'm a born vampire and looking for some tasty morsels I mean, friends.

Reach me at HayleyTheAwesome
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