


Still not sure what to make of this place but at least some of my family is here so I’m not as alone as I think I am. If they weren’t here, I’d be truly lost.

In other news... Happy Birthday to me...



It's good to know that I have a profession I can practice almost everywhere. Had no trouble finding a job. Which is crazy since I'm supposed to be dead.



This place is starting to grow on me. Haven't started trying to leave yet. Not sure I want to risk it though. But it would be interesting to see how far we can travel beyond the city limits.



If there was ever a time that called for copious amounts of alcohol, this would be it.



I know I said I needed a change but this is not what I was expecting.



This is not what I expected my death to look like.



There are going to be a lot of upset people when they realize I'm missing.

And an even angrier wolf.



What? This doesn't make any sense.



Every time I think that the weirdness is taking a break, the universe proves me wrong.

Jack? Are you here? Please be here.

Ianto? Owen? Tosh?



The last thing I heard was, 'this is where you get off,' and he killed me. I know he did. So how come I'm here?




and a pony

AND DIC-I mean friends?






I'm getting lonely and I'm starting to miss him. Anyone interested in distracting me for a little while?



Private To Storm

Hey Beautiful would you like to go out for a romantic Evening with me tomorrow? Pick you up around say six?



Los Angeles isn't so bad. I kind of miss traveling, but I have to admit it is nice to be in one place again. I actually get to go to school here.



All of these new people showing up, this is crazy. Is there anyone that is actually supposed to be in Los Angeles in 2019?



How is it I have come to be here? Where is it I am? None of this makes sense. I had just left what remained of the wall to head north...I do not belong here.



I can not be here. I must get to Gibbs. How is it that I am in Los Angeles?



What use are all you...little heroes without something. To. Do

Lets have some fun shall we?



I went to so many places today! Though this place could use a few pony petting stations.

Not that its not lovely here! I might even try to redecorate my room!