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Half World : OOC Comm

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[09 Feb 2009|02:09am]
[ mood | excited ]

Sup everyone?

I go by Dani; and I've brought with me the famous mama's boy from Yu Yu Hakusho; Kurama! His timeline is post the infamous Dark Tournament, so he'll be good times. He generally good natured, but if you miraculously somehow manage to get on his bad side... he can be pretty ruthless! For a good time... what? all RP purposes, you can reach me on AIM at and tidal waves!

Let the fun ensue!

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[09 Feb 2009|11:39am]
Alright all, your friendly neighborhood swordsman is here played by.. uh.. this.. not swordsman? =D

Anyhow, feel free to poke.
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[ viewing | February 9th, 2009 ]
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