August 11th, 2010

[info]peja in [info]human_target

authors choice #141 - Mix and match

today's daily is...

authors choice #141 - Mix and match - any pairing - any length:

Write a list of six characters (can be six characters from a single fandom or mix 'em up.)
Now choose a single primary character. Can be one of the six or a different character. This will be your POV character. He can be a narrator or a participant in the story.

Using your listed characters create stories from the following list of words.

1. the heat of the moment
2. leap of faith
3. drop and roll
4. there was no explanation
5. he/she is an amazing person
6. moment of bliss

Bonus phrase:
7. Hiding in plain sight

Let the prompt infect you & carry you to greater heights.
Happy writing, folks

Please link back to this site when using the prompts on other sites so interested folk can find it easily