August 4th, 2010

[info]peja in [info]human_target

authors choice #121 - there's a kid inside

today's daily is...

authors choice #120 - there's a kid inside - any pairing - any length:

Your character feels the pull of his inner child.

Can be a joyful piece, a trip to some childhood favorite spot. A day at the amusement park. A ride on a merry-go-round.

Or go to that naughty place. A childish tantrum. A pout that borders on infantile.

Infantilism, anyone? Place your character in a diaper and give him/her a bottle (milk, not booze...or not.

Go with one (or more) of the suggestions, or let the prompt infect you & carry you to greater heights.

Happy writing, folks

Oh and a reminder....although you get these daily prompts, you can post any "on topic" story or icon that you would like to share. We're here to share, and the prompts are just a stepping stone to your own creative depths

Please link back to this site when using the prompts on other sites so interested folk can find it easily