Friday, October 31st, 2008

Challenge Three Voting

Okay, folks, due to my co-mod being down for the count, I am going to be doing this week's poll. Since I'm too cheap to spring for a paid/permanent account, we'll be doing things a little differently.

Below the LJ-cut, you will find the selections numbered. How you vote is by responding with your top three choices listed. All comments are screened! I know this is not how things usually go, and it may seem unfair, but hopefully things will be back to normal soon.

Now, without further adieu:

Your Voting Begins Here )

Voting ends Tuesday, November 4th, Midnight. International voting is acceptable. Remember, you might not be able to decide who the next United States president is, but you can decide who this round's winner is!

Thank you and congratulations to all our participants.
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