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Thursday, February 5th, 2009

    Time Event
    A Few More 25 Word Slice of Life Drabbles from bramblerose4
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]bramblerose4)

    These could be seen as series or (hopefully) on their own individual drabbles. Enjoy!

    1. Harry's blurred view of a scarlet summer sunset was blocked temporarily only to be replaced by another blazing red head as Ron came into focus.

    2. The sensual mix of his cologne and the more natural musk that is purely Ron overwhelms Harry as Ron looms over and kisses him roughly

    3. Wordlessly Ron picked Harry up, carried him into the bedroom, and threw him on the bed, where Harry's surprised outcry turned into moans of pleasure.

    4. Ron sat up, his legs dangling off the bed. He looked around and started laughing.

    "I forgot we switched rooms with Hermione last month.”
    Another Slice O' Life...
    [info]bramblerose4 's latest drabble series reminded me I haven't done one in a while, so here's 25 R-rated words for y'all...

    Crusher )

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