Aug. 4th, 2008 @ 10:28 am Fic: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop (Bill/Lavender, others, NC-17)
Title: Lava Girl and the Ink Drop
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Bill/Lavender. Past Remus/Bill. Quite a bit of Fleur. Several werewolf OCs.
Rating: NC-17 and then some – for sex, violence and the foul language of werewolf subcultures
Content: Very violent (but consensual) sex, including some ravishment fantasy. Open marriage. DH-compliant. Het, slash and femslash included at various times. Tattoos. Everyone is over 17.
Word Count: ~36,200. Complete.
Summary: The Ink Drop was the best-kept secret in the nightclubs of Wizarding London. Werewolves, or those close enough, could work out their sexual appetites on willing submissives looking for a rough ride, and nobody had to get hurt. The system generally worked best when the werewolves stayed clear of each other, but someone forgot to tell the new girl about that.
Notes: Written for the July 2008 theme of "flagellation" (arousal by whipping or being whipped) at [info]daily_deviant. This story very consciously exploits all fanon werewolf sex cliches, with some Veela cliches thrown in for good measure. :) Thanks to [info]islandsmoke for the final beta, and to [info]florahart for some early advice and for reminding me months ago that Lavender Brown was mauled by Greyback at the end of DH.

( Lava Girl and the Ink Drop )
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