Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 07:38 pm FIC: Delineation of a Duellist - Part One
Current Mood: hopeful

Title: Delineation of a Duellist
Setting: 1980 through an alternate timeline of 1991
Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius, Remus/Severus, eventual Sirius/Remus/Severus
Rating: NC17
WC: overall ~34,400; this part ~9,700
Thanks: Eternal thanks to my dear, wonderful betas [info]lore, [info]aunty_marion, [info]thesnapelyone, [info]jenw118.
Disclaimers: The scene with Harry choosing a wand includes liberal use of text from PS. The scene where Remus describes the shop to Severus is inspired by a scene from Susan Cooper's book The Dark Is Rising. This entire fic was very much inspired by Ellen Kushner's deeply moving and well-written Swordspoint and The Privilege of the Sword.
Notes: This is not a WIP - it is complete and will be entirely posted within the next three days (who knows, I may yet post the rest of it tonight. I'm into instant gratification.)

Summary: When a wizard's honour is challenged, it is grounds for a duel. To win, one hires the best duellist--and everyone knows Remus Lupin is the best. He's never lost. But in order to win the most important duel of his life, he must learn how to lose...

Part One
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