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Gift for midnight_birth: Punctuation (Oliver/Percy) [Feb. 17th, 2009|06:51 pm]
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Title: Punctuation
Author: [info]emiime
Recipient: [info]midnight_birth
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1276
Warnings: None
Summary: Oliver speaks in exclamation points and underlines
Disclaimers: Nothing you recognise belongs to me.
Notes: Thanks to M for assuring me that this does actually work outside my own brain.

Punctuation )
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Gift for rosivan: Stirring Rods (Percy/Oliver) [Feb. 13th, 2009|05:49 pm]
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Title: Stirring Rods
Author: [info]nimrod_9
Recipient: [info]rosivan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:1,538
Warnings: um, none
Summary: (including pairing) Percy/Oliver Percy screws up and tries to make things right.
Disclaimers: If I owned them I would have quit my day job!
Notes: Happy Valensmut, rosivan! Hope you enjoy! Thanks to our lovely mod for the beta and the fest!!

Stirring Rods )
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