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Gift for anathema91: Slytherin Tarts (Harry/Draco, Blaise/Harry, Neville/Blaise) [Feb. 28th, 2009|09:03 am]
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Title: Slytherin Tarts
Author: [info]acromantular
Recipient: [info]anathema91
Rating: Adult
Word Count: ~4,000
Warnings: Epilogue-compliant, with blowjobs.
Summary: Dating a Slytherin isn't all it's cracked up to be. But holidays can be especially trying. Harry/Draco, bits of Blaise/Harry and Neville/Blaise; past Neville/Draco
Disclaimers: Anything you recognize is owned by JKR and her publishers; I'm just borrowing them for a bit.
Notes: Happy Valentine's Day, [info]anathema91! I tried to work in as much of your request as possible, though I'm not sure you expected quite as many of your pairing requests to show up! There is a good big of kissing, though. ♥ Thank you to my stalwart beta E, and to the mod for her almost-unending patience.

Slytherin Tarts )
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