HP Valentines Exchange - February 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 9th, 2009

Gift for emiime: Pierce the Veil (Sirius/Percy) [Feb. 9th, 2009|06:53 pm]
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Title: Pierce the Veil
Author: [info]midnight_birth
Recipient: [info]emiime
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,857
Warnings: Slight mental instability, some violence, scenes of explicit sexual nature, some harsh language, EWE.
Disclaimers: I don't own, obviously.
Summary: Sirius/Percy. When Sirius Black falls out of the Veil that had once claimed his life, seemingly having fought his way out, the Unspeakables are at a loss for an explanation. Kingsley convinces Harry to allow Percy, first assistant to the Minister, to become his part-time caretaker instead of a faceless Unspeakable in order to monitor his progress and perhaps gain further understanding of the world behind the Veil. But as Percy spends more time with the now slightly unbalanced and violent man he'd only heard horror stories about during his childhood, he slowly realizes that he may have signed up for much more than he bargained for.
Notes: Well, this idea really ran away with me, as you can probably tell by the word-count. The bunny was born the moment I saw your request. I haven't had this much fun writing something in a long time, and I'm quite fond of the result. Thank you for the amazing prompts you gave me to work with, and I really hope you enjoy it! ♥ An enormous thanks to [info]wook77, the mod, who had faith in me and let me participate in this exchange this year even though I had issues last year! Thank you for running this exchange!

Pierce the Veil )
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