HP Slash Recs
12 most recent entries

Date:2010-03-19 01:50
Subject:Prompt #10: Lucius Malfoy
Mood: cheerful

Prompt #10: Lucius Malfoy

Know a great slash story with Lucius Malfoy in it? How about some sexy art of the patriarch of the Malfoy family and his lover? Rec them there!

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

Also if you have any prompt suggestions please make them over here

ps-Sorry I was MIA the past few weeks. Work has consumed me.

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Date:2010-02-27 01:03
Subject:Prompt #9: PWP
Mood: dirty

Prompt #9: PWP

Have a story that's nothing but fithly sex? How about some smut art that is nothing but pr0n? Rec them here!

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

Also if you have any prompt suggestions please make them over here

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Date:2010-02-21 14:35
Subject:Prompt #8: Drabble/Ficlet/Drawble
Mood: crushed

Prompt #8: Drabble/Ficlet/Drawble

Do you know a piece that tells a whole story in less than 500 words? How about some quick sketch that is truly inspiring?

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

Also if you have any prompt suggestions please make them over here

PS-Sorry that I'm 2 days late, it was my b-day Thursday.

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Date:2010-02-13 22:32
Subject:Prompt #7: Infidelity/Partner Betrayal
Mood: sore

Prompt #7: Infidelity/Partner Betrayal

Know a heart wrenching fic where Harry cheats on Draco? Or some art that suggests Sirius has another man on the side than his lover Severus? Please share your fave infidelity/partner betrayal fics and art!

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

Also if you have any prompt suggestions please make them over here

PS-Sorry that I'm a day late, RL got in the way.

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Date:2010-02-05 23:09
Subject:Prompt #6: Crossdressing
Mood: dirty

Prompt #6: Crossdressing

Enjoyed a story where Draco has a kink for Harry in girls panties? How about some art showing Remus in a skirt while Sirus looks on? Skirts, stockings, silk, lace, corsets, if it's woman's clothing and it's on a guy then please share your favorites with us!

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

Also if you have any prompt suggestions please make them over here

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Date:2010-01-30 00:46
Subject:Prompt #5: Soulmates
Mood: contemplative

Prompt #5: Soulmates

Know a wonderful story that tells the tale of how Harry and Draco are destined to be together? How about some hidden bond between Severus and Lucius that still holds regardless of marriage, Voldemort, Azkaban, and war? Remember a piece of art that showed Bill and Neville surrounded by their soul's magic connection? Rec them all here!

Any stories or art that feature our characters as soulmates.

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

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Date:2010-01-22 19:40
Subject:Prompt #4: Odd Occupations
Mood: chipper

Prompt #4: Odd Occupations - Magical World

Know a fic that has Snape as something other then a Potions Master, like a Curse Breaker? How about Lucius as an Auror? Now a picture that has Draco and Harry working together as nanny's?

Looking for stories that still take place in the magical world but have the characters with an unusual (for them) occupation.

General list of usual jobs for characters (which do not fit this prompt):
Severus Snape: Anything potions related, running a shop, mail order service, teacher, etc
Harry Potter: Auror, DADA or Quidditch Professor, Quidditch Player
Sirus Black: Auror
Remus Lupin: Teacher, tutor
Ron: Auror
Bill Weasley: Curse Breaker
Charlie Weasley: Anything to do with dragons

I'm sure everyone has a general idea on what are more canon appropriate jobs for people, so rec something that is different!

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

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Date:2010-01-15 12:20
Subject:Prompt #3: Mpreg
Mood: curious

Prompt #3: Mpreg

Know a great story that has Harry up the duff? How about Draco being a breeding pureblood male? Maybe a potions accident causes an unexpected results for a character.

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

ps-[info]accioslash I expect to see at least one rec from you for this prompt.

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Date:2010-01-09 01:53
Subject:Prompt #2: Creature!Fic/Art
Mood: cheerful

Prompt #2: Creature!Fic/Art

Do you know of a fic that has one of your fave characters coming into a creature inheritance? How about some art as a character as a Veela?
Please just creatures and not animagus'

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

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Date:2010-01-01 23:03
Subject:Prompt #1: Historical
Mood: excited

Prompt #1: Historical

Do you know of a fic that takes place in Ancient Egypt, The Dark Ages, the 1900's? How about some Art that features your fave slash couple in period costume?

Please comment below with your recs for this weeks prompt. Please refer to the FAQ for the reccing template.

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Date:2009-11-04 18:48
Subject:Prompt Suggestions!
Mood: chipper

Do you have a great prompt? Please suggest them here!

A prompt can be something like a Kink (mpreg), Theme (odd occupations), Genres (AU), Characters (Severus Snape), Pairings (Snarry), or other things.

Do remember when you suggest a prompt that people will be reccing off of them, so try not to make them too specific.

Good Prompt:

Not so Good Prompt:
A historical fic that has a Lucius/Harry pairing in which they live in Ancient Roman times and Severus is Emperor.

Prompt Suggestions are Open!

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Date:2009-11-04 18:40
Subject:Info and FAQ
Mood: giddy

Welcome to HpSlashRecs!

This comm is an ongoing challenge where you get to rec your fave HP slash fics and art

General Info:

This is a rec comm, but with a challenge aspect on the side.

Each week the mod will post a challenge/prompt. Users can then rec a fic and/or art that fits with the prompt by replying in the comments of the post.

Prompts will be posted on Fridays

Prompts will range from kinks, genres, themes, characters, pairings.

FAQs )

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