September 22nd, 2007

[info]briarrosed in [info]hpicons

12x Lucius Malfoy

Comment if you take
Credit and don't hotlink! :)


CLICK HERE to see the rest at [info]briarrose_muses. :)

[info]ex_harleen425 in [info]hpicons

Two twins-centric icons

Two icons I just made:

I'm by no means great at icons, but if anyone wants them, just comment and credit. :)

[info]bite_me_luv in [info]hpicons

Malfoy(s) & Snape

As always: reading makes icon-muse happy. I love him dearly, but.. does he really need to torture me with a mental image of The Perfect Draco Pic, making me hunt for it for hours..? Given that I always thought I'd never be making one..

another bunch of 6 )

comments are ♥