September 22nd, 2007

02:03 am
[info]ex_harleen425: Fic: Drabble: No One Separates Us, Fred/George, NC-17

Title: No One Separates Us
Author: Harleen [info]harleen
Pairings: Fred/George
Word Count: 100x2 (yes, 200, I tried!)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Twincest, PWP smut
Disclaimer: I don't own them and no money is being made from this.
Summary: Fred is home after the final battle, and the twins celebrate in their own style. AU to Deathly Hallows after page 636.
Author's Notes: Written for [info]weasleytwins100, this week's prompt: a first week free for all. Another self-beta, all mistakes are my own. Cross-posted at my journal and at various places.

No One Separates Us )