Harry Potter pbads - July 4th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Harry Potter pbads

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July 4th, 2013

[Jul. 4th, 2013|11:28 pm]


Hallo everyone!

I'm dying to play Theodore Nott in almost any (slash-only) incarnation, including unlikely-pairings and AUs.

I'm open about your PBs and I'm happy to take on board any ideas you have. I'm also happy to fit him into any lines that you might have lying around. I don't RP through instant messaging by any other format is game and I'm a fair to very active player.

Please check out the journal for more info on what I will and won't play and what I'm looking for. I'm also interested in GPSLs and joining comms

Thank you!

Apologies if you've seen this before, cross-posted to hell and back
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