Harry Potter pbads - November 26th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Harry Potter pbads

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November 26th, 2010

[Nov. 26th, 2010|03:39 pm]
Can I get a Potter or two to [info]scribendimods for Scorpius to harass?

Now for something completely different, I'm looking for someone to join up at [info]scribendimods as a work partner for this Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius is currently undergoing apprenticeship in the Department of Mysteries in order to one day be an Unspeakable in the death division. I'm looking for someone who is also an apprentice in that division that he might form a partnership with - preferably male, though I suppose female is all right, too. The character would hopefully work as a foil/counterpoint to Scorpius's very strong (and sometimes dangerous) ambition. I'm happy to plot about their actual work environment, their past relationship (if any), and just about anything else! Bonus points to anyone willing to pick up someone originally antagonistic toward Scorpius, or toward whom Scorpius was antagonistic.

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[Nov. 26th, 2010|05:18 pm]
[info]the_haunted Nymphadora would love to see Andromeda since she's haunting her!
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