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Under new management! [30 Dec 2008|01:10pm]

September 22, 2008 the bodies of fourteen badly decomposed bodies were found in Godric's Hollow. These bodies have yet to be identified.
October 24, 2008 was by far the worse Massacre to happen in the last twenty years. The Hogsmeade Massacre, which claimed the life of Minerva McGonagall, has sent Neville Longbottom into a coma, and taken the lives of Hogwarts students and a professor. This does not include the nearly 300 other lives taken in Hogsmeade, along with burned down buildings. The beloved village will never be the same.
November 14, 2008 The people responsible for these attacks are still unknown, and today have gotten away with several more deaths, and over 100 new injuries in a surprise attack on Diagon Alley. This newest attack has lead to the students being kept at Hogwarts over the coming Holiday Break, and the promise of a Yule Ball.

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[30 Dec 2008|09:43pm]
The outcome is known, but how was it reached?

In late spring of 1997, Albus Dumbledore was killed by Severus Snape, and the Wizarding World changed. Hallowed Ground is an RPG community for writers interested in exploring the intricacies of what followed, reaching deep beyond what's already known. Come discover what really happened inside the walls of Hogwarts and out; watch the Headmaster struggle with his allegiances, the DA reform to battle the Carrows reign of terror on students, the Death Eaters plan attacks on Muggle and Wizarding societies from inside the Ministry of Magic, and members of the Order of the Phoenix strive to keep a light shining in the dark. Join us in our endeavor to develop the adventures unseen as time winds down to a final battle unlike any writing experience you've had.

Hallowed Ground is searching for the absolute fullest compliment of cast possible. We accept any character mentioned in the seven Harry Potter books who is known to be alive on 1 July, 1997, and encourage insightful takes on both characters we already know and particularly ones we've barely met. The game is played in day-to-day time (with accommodations for holidays, etc.) and is set to end after the Battle of Hogwarts, with as much time as is needed after to properly finish threads. Applications are currently open; players are asked to work with canon to develop their own path through the known story lines as we go, as there is already so much available room to maneuver.

Writers interested in applying should know that this is a community oriented game. Moderating is done by a combination of rotating founding mods and player-elected mods, preventing power trips and encouraging player participation while still providing the necessary assistance and guidance to make a game run smoothly. Experience is not required; we firmly believe that a writer brand new to RPG can develop a character fabulously and fully. Seasoned players are also happily accepted with their favourite known characters or brand new explorations, now is your chance to let someone new invade your brain! For more information, please click on the links below!

Actively Seeking Applications For:
Minerva McGonagall, Amycus Carrow, Rubeus Hagrid
Nearly-Headless Nick, Peeves, Moaning Myrtle
Vincent Crabbe, Greg Goyle, Morag MacDougal, Hannah Abbott
Padma Patil, Lavender Brown, Neville Longbottom
Order Members, Death Eaters, Graduates & others are still available as well!

Rules & Premise | Application | FAQ | Castlist | Available Characters | Special Features

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