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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[26 Dec 2008|08:04pm]

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What began as the worst year in Hogwart's history is only going to get worse.

Dumbledore is dead. Snape is Headmaster. The Carrows control the students to a degree that would shame even Dolores Umbridge.

It is January, 1998.

As the holiday festivities end, students are forced to return to Hogwarts. Luna Lovegood is now gone, but her invention of the journal system remains. Dumbledore's Army is realizing that they can no longer be limited to their original group, and the recruiting is about to begin.

At the same time, evil inhibitions are going unchecked, and to disagree with those in power is becoming more and more dangerous every day. Classes are no longer places to learn, they have become sessions of punishment.

The Inquisitorial Squad will rule again, and as the inevitable last fight between good and evil hurtles toward Hogwarts, it must also be fought inside the hallowed halls before Harry Potter returns.

This is Perdition.


ONLY FIVE CHARACTERS NOT CURRENTLY HELD: Vincent Crabbe, Anthony Goldstein, Sun Hee Moon, [ William ] Cresswell, [ Jacob ] Dorny!!!
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