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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[25 Nov 2008|05:55pm]
The outcome is known, but how was it reached?

In late spring of 1997, Albus Dumbledore was killed by Severus Snape, and the Wizarding World changed. Hallowed Ground is an RPG community for writers interested in exploring the intricacies of what followed, reaching deep beyond what's already known. Come discover where everyone who wasn't Ron, Harry, or Hermione went after the attack on Bill & Fleur's wedding, watch the DA reform and battle the Carrows reign, the Death Eaters plan attacks on Muggle and Wizarding societies from inside the Ministry of Magic, and members of the Order of the Phoenix strive to keep a light shining in the dark. Join us in our endeavor to develop the adventures unseen as time winds down to a final battle unlike any writing experience you've had.

Hallowed Ground is searching for the absolute fullest compliment of cast possible. We accept any character mentioned in the seven Harry Potter books who is known to be alive on 1 July, 1997, and encourage insightful takes on both characters we already know and particularly ones we've barely met. The game is played in day-to-day time (with accommodations for holidays, etc.) and is set to end after the Battle of Hogwarts, with as much time as is needed after to properly finish threads. Applications are currently open; players are asked to work with canon to develop their own path through the known story lines as we go, as there is already so much available room to maneuver.

Writers interested in applying should know that this is a community oriented game. Moderating is done by a combination of founding mods and player-elected mods, preventing power trips and encouraging player participation while still providing the necessary assistance and guidance to make a game run smoothly. Experience is not required; we firmly believe that a writer brand new to RPG can develop a character fabulously and fully. Seasoned players are also happily accepted with their favourite known characters or brand new explorations, now is your chance to let someone new invade your brain! For more information, please click on the links below!

Actively Seeking Applications For:
Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy
Amycus & Alecto Carrow, Rodolphus & Rabastan Lestrange
Order Members, Weasleys, students & others are still available as well!

Rules & Premise | Application | FAQ | Castlist
Available Characters | Special Features

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[25 Nov 2008|10:51pm]

For six years the world of Harry Potter has been free of the terror of Lord Voldemort. Witches and Wizards alike are reclaiming their lives of old. Doors are no longer locked in the face of strangers. Children are no longer kept at home to prevent the terror of social and political turmoil. The Wizarding world is slowly recovering from a decade of darkness, it's citizens peering out into the world with hope as the sun rises around them.

Are these actions premature? Tom Riddle is no more, but consider the possibility of there being something far more sinister lurking in the darkness. A man who kills for ambition is harmless beside a man who kills for the thrill. For centuries myths and stories have resounded throughout both the Muggle and Wizarding worlds. Muggles believe them the workings of fantasy. The Wizards consider them animals, easily contained. Neither of them realizing that the stories they hear are nothing more than fabrications created by the very creatures that live among them unnoticed.

As the new year approaches consider the potential these creatures have if they have been able to conceal their existence with such frightening completion. More importantly, consider the possible terror that would come if a single creature sought to denounce the vow of silence, threatening to expose the ancient covenant, with the forbidden act of wreaking havoc on the mortal population ... by feeding in the heart of the city.

How well do you know the person sitting beside you?

G A M E . I S . N O W . O P E N

Looking For: Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Draco Malfoy, Adrian Pucey, Blaise Zabini, Tracey Davis, Gregory Goyle, Marcus Flint, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hannah Abbott, Owen Cauldwell, Zacharias Smith, Laura Madley, Rose Zeller, Padma Patil, Dean Thomas, Katie Bell, Cho Chang, Morag MacDougal, Roger Davies, Bill Weasley, and many, many more.
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