Harry Potter Roleplay Ads' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[07 Nov 2008|01:16pm]

Premise Characters Rules Application

1942 is a tumultous time in the wizarding world. The Muggle War is in full swing, Grindlewald is gaining power, and Tom Riddle is about to open the Chamber of Secrets for the first time. Children and adults have to deal with the Muggle War, as well as the war that Grindlewald is waging. In Hogwarts, students and professors alike are choosing sides in wars that are ongoing and about to brew. Everyone is terrified about losing those they love and losing themselves amongst the battles being waged.

The biggest problem facing those in this time is getting through another day unscathed, mere survival, with everyone attempting to live to see a new era.

The game begins on December 1st.

Contact List- Flocked
[info]newera_rpg [info]newera_ooc

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[07 Nov 2008|03:58pm]

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[ viewing | November 7th, 2008 ]
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