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[02 Nov 2008|12:24pm]

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[02 Nov 2008|04:03pm]
[info]certo is an AU future gen game set in the year 2500.

For the last eight months the wizarding world has seen the reemergence of its past. Witches and wizards long since dead have been coming back through the veil. Some times in large groups and at other times one at a time. The reemergence though has caused a stir in more than just the wizarding world. A five hundred years ago Muggles learned of the existence of the wizarding world and all did not go well. The first few years were quiet but eventually the Muggles began to turn on the Wizarding world and they have turned so much, hunted it so much that wizards are now on the verge of being extinct. Of a race that will once again go down in history as a fairy tale. Old families that were once prominent and thriving in the world are now either gone or on the verge of being wiped out. Witches and wizards hide what they are even more, careful in every last thing they do in case it would tip off the person next to them that they were magical. Most of the wizarding world still stands but no where near the the glory it once held. Hogwarts is closed, a relic of its former self, the years of being uninhabited have taken its toll on it and nature took over the once grand structure. The Ministry still exists but its a joke, something most people mock and point fingers at as they ignore it and its ruling. Diagon still stands but nothing like what it used to as people move quickly from place to place. The Muggles thought they had the wizarding world under control, that the freaks were no longer a threat and that they no longer needed to worry about the stick wavers and their strange powers.

They were wrong.

The veil has brought back more than just faceless and nameless people to the Muggles. To the wizarding world its brought back major names many that history has painted in one light or another. Tom Riddle, Gellert Grindelwald, Salazar Slytherin. As well as many of Riddle's followers. Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr, and Jacinda Mulciber. All powerful in their own rights, but none as powerful as when they work in a group. For the last eight months most of them have been trying to readjust to being alive once more and being alive in a world where they are now seen as the filth and are hunted. For the past few months things on the Muggle front have been quiet. The attacks and the kidnappings have quieted down and the Muggles have steered clear of all things magical.

But that is all about to change. On November 1st Muggle Parliament will pass a bill making it legal for all Muggles to hunt witches and wizards in any sense of the word. Anyone who brings in someone proven to be a with or wizard, whether they be dead or alive will receive a reward.

News of this bill has been leaked to the wizarding world and with only a handful of days left before the bill goes into affect the wizarding world must now step up its protection of its world and make a move against the Muggles. But can they do so with as separated and as divided as they are? There are two known factions in the Wizarding World. Those who side with Riddle and those who side with Grindelwald. But a third faction is quickly growing and at its helm is Salazar Slytherin. Can the wizarding world put aside its differences long enough to band together and save a world most of them died to protect or will their differences give the Muggles the leverage they need to finally wipe wizards out for good?

Will you save your world or will you watch it be destroyed and crumble? Only to become a foot note in the pages of history. The choice is yours.
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