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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[01 Oct 2008|02:36am]


There was once a time where Lord Voldemort was once feared throughout the Wizarding World for his deeds. He even went so far is to find a secret in the Gaunt Shack to see himself brought back later in life.

The Mirror of Erised and the Veil. They created way out of the afterlife, so he used it. This was his last plan before death.

Now, finding the world amiss and many of his companions risen, he hopes to put back the world. It's high technical, strange, wizardless, muggle ways had to stop and every had to agree. Well, those who were loyal to the Wizarding World for what it used to be, not the abomination it is now.

He was glad that someone in the Malfoy line finally showed some sort of integrity. He couldn't believe the shape of the world and how against magical folk they were.

He was determined to stop it.


This game is in the year 3000, muggles and those of lesser blood have taken over the Wizarding World. Voldemort ensured a way back and now he's the leading man behind putting things back where they belong. You can play anyone and everyone, even the muggle characters in the HP series can have magic! Come join! We are in need of DEATH EATERS, TED TONKS, GODRIC GRYFFINDOR, ROWENA RAVENCLAW, HARRY POTTER, CECILIA RIDDLE, CADMUS PEVERELL, PETUNIA DURSLEY MAIN CHARACTERS FREED UP.

information - available/taken - pbs - rules - application - faqs
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Durmstrang Uber Alles - a Durmstrang-based HP game on Inksome [01 Oct 2008|11:00am]
The Durmstrang Institute was created for the magical instruction of Eastern European wizards. Once upon a time, it accepted all promising students who had magical aptitude, but now, any time that Muggleborns and halfbloods were ever accepted is a distant memory, in favor of rigid social classes and tradition. Students are ingrained with a sense of superiority or inferiority [one that often starts at home], a respect for tradition and appropriate social behavior, and most importantly a strong desire to succeed and to be the best. Students that graduate from Durmstrang are the most talented, the strongest, the brightest, and the best. The only question is...are you strong enough to survive until graduation?

| School Info | Setting | Hierarchy | Master List [Staff & Students]

Rules | Taken Characters and PBs | Taken PBs for NPCs | Availability | Application

Contact List | School Calendar | Friend-all List | Quidditch | Class Schedules

In Character | Out of Character | Mod Journal

Classes started August 25th!!

Seventh years wanted!!
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[01 Oct 2008|12:27pm]

Rules | FAQ | Application | Characters

The year is 2000. For over two years, the Wizarding World has been quiet. At Peace. Kingsley Shacklebolt revolutionized the government. Things were beginning to return to the way they had been before the Second War with the Dark Lord. People were happy; Hogwarts had reopened. Harry Potter and his friends really had saved the world.

But, naturally, the values of Purism are deeply instilled in some, and Mr. Aeneas Nott was... well. Suffice to say, he wasn't pleased with the new, Muggleborn-loving, peaceful society in which he lived. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing he could do to change it, and, despite himself, he did quite enjoy the new peace and quiet. The only thing problem he had was a large one, and that was the imminent extinction of Purebloods.

He needed to prevent that.

Mr. Nott decided that he would have to help the Pureblood lines stay pure, without being suspected of some sort of covert terrorism. In this vein, he formulated a plan that would surely save the Purebloods: he made flyers about "Marrying Properly For All Bloodlines," preaching that all witches and wizards should marry within their own bloodline; Halfbloods with Halfbloods, Muggleborns with Muggleborns, and Purebloods with Purebloods. He then switched his focus to the Pureblood parents of his generation.

Propaganda fueled fear; fear for their grandchildren's safety -- should this generation's Pureblood children marry Muggleborns, the child of the next generation would be Halfbloods and "surely hated." Whether for that, or for entirely different reasons (money, continuation of the bloodline, etc.), Pureblood society decided to do something about this appalling prospect. Getting together, they arranged marriages for their young, unmarried children... for the Greater Good, of course.

Keeping It Pure is a Post-DH (non-epilogue compliant) RPG that explores Pureblood culture and the lives of characters who are stuck in a situation they can't get out of: marriage!

We've added all new characters to our character list!

Most Wanted Characters: Cormac McLaggen, Eloise Midgen, Millicent Bulstrode, Derrick, Blaise Zabini, Harper, Su Li, Mandy Brocklehurst, Eddie Carmichael

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[01 Oct 2008|10:32pm]

application | taken PBs |cast list | detailed premise | in character | out of character | mod

Scotopia is a Marauders' era game set in 1979, a year after the Marauders leave Hogwarts' doors. The members of the Order of the Phoenix have already established themselves as key fighters in the battle against Lord Voldemort and his forces. Now they are being picked off one by one and the fight is turning more deadly for the warriors.

-Death Eaters, You-Know-Who supporters.
-Middle-grounders, or what we might call "unaffiliated"; the sort of individuals who are not yet sure where they stand and as such seem ambivalent and less loud about their views.
-Aurors/Ministry employees.
-Ethnic minority characters.

-Characters with poor grammar.
-Young Order members who were in the same year as the Marauders and Co. Not everyone in the Order was in their early twenties!
-Muggleborns and purebloods, except any who may be listed below.

Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew, Emmeline Vance, Mulciber, Rupert Wilkes, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Amelia Bones, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and many more!
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