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[05 Sep 2008|12:34pm]
no fear!
It's 2022. James Potter II is a seventh year (and practically dancing off the Hogwarts express), and Albus Severus is bemoaning his OWL scores. Like with every year coming back to Hogwarts, there's a mix of emotions in the air. But unlike close to twenty-five years ago; one emotion is curiously absent.

...Fear. (Well, unless you're a first year, but that's beside the point)

There's no fear among the students as they mingle with their friends, no fear of what goes bump in the night. The threat of Death Eaters and Muggleborn hate crimes...none of it exists. There's no fear of getting news of a relative's murder or the Ministry being overthrown.

Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry is a much simpler place. Nothing terrible has happened there in-...well, accidents happen, and they are teenagers. There's only so much you can ask for.

The only war within the walls of Hogwarts is a prank war.

No Fear! is a (mostly) epilogue compliant Second Generation game. It starts with James Potter II's seventh year at Hogwarts. Headmistress McGonagall has entrusted every fifth year and above with a journal, as to strengthen friendships among older students, and to provide herself and the staff with some insight into the inner-workings of the volatile creatures known as... teenagers. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes has provided the journals, and of course, George Weasley always enjoys a laugh.

Most Wanted Characters: James Potter II! Lorcan and Lysander Scamander, Molly Weasley II, Louis Weasley, Dorian Nott, Muggleborns! Quidditch players!

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[05 Sep 2008|03:13pm]

Welcome to the scandals and lives of the former Hogwarts students.

Some of them live in high-society, while others are just barely getting by on what they make. Lives have changed from the days of the Dark Lord Voldemort, but not everything is as it seems. The former followers of the Dark Lord didn't change their ways as there appears to be a new threat; a serial killer on the loose. He or She has infested themself into the high-society of the Wizarding Community and kidnapping or killing people in secret.

Someone is keeping tabs on it in their specialized journal, causing everyone to buy them in an effort to keep up with gossip and news of the killer.

Who do you trust when the serial killer could be standing right next to you?

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[05 Sep 2008|06:16pm]

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
Not another Post War AU Game, rather one that focuses on the art of war itself.

A game of wits, strategy, politics and War.

We've seen worlds where the Ministry fell and the Death Eaters won.

We've seen worlds where the Death Eaters fell and peace reigned true.

But this is a world before misery and oppression. This is a world before peace and tranquility.

This is a game about getting there. This is a game about the battle getting there. A battle over misery and relief. A battle over war.

This is a game about the

Who will Fall?

That, you see, is up to you. No side has yet been chosen to win, and no side will be. It will be through the characters, through their actions, that fate will be set. Characters will have to fight for their survival, for the survival of their world, and fight to make the other side tumble. And players will have to learn to scheme, to manipulate and to out-wit their enemies if they want to survive. If they want to Win

But be careful. You never know which one of your friends has something to hide.

The Fall is 18+, set in the year 2001.
Game starts when 10 players are accumulated.

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