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Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[14 Aug 2008|10:24am]

PhotobucketIt is the year 2000 and the wizarding world is still in chaos; their are still top name death eaters on the loose, and even though a new minister of magic has been selected there is still some corruption left in the ministry. There has already been one attempt on Harry's life since the end of the war and to most people, that attempt was a success. Harry is actually hidden safely in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts; only three people know where he is, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Charlie Weasley.
To the rest of the world Harry Potter is dead, but there have been rumors that their hero still lives and when the time is right he will come back and restore order to the world that he chose to save. When will that time come? No one knows, not even Harry himself. He is just waiting for the sign, and when he feels the world is ready to be saved from the darkness it has plunged itself into, he will stand up once again and bring the light.

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[14 Aug 2008|06:47pm]

PhotobucketIt is the year 2000 and even though the wizarding world is still trying to rebuild it's still in chaos. The death eaters that weren't thrown into the newly rebuilt Azkaban are now reformed citizens of the wizarding world or so you think. The new Minister of Magic has been selected, but there is still some corruption left in the ministry. Pure blood laws are being fought over everyday and there has already been multiple attempts on Harry's life since the end of the war and to most people, that last was a success. Harry is actually hidden safely in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts; only four people know where he is, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Charlie Weasley and Hagrid.
Another war is brewing and to most citizen of the Wizarding world are oblivious to the signs. To the rest of the world Harry Potter is dead, but there have been rumors that their hero still lives. When the time is right he will come back and restore order to the world that he chose to save. When will that time come? No one knows, not even Harry himself. He is just waiting for the sign, and when he feels the world is ready to be saved from the darkness it has plunged itself into, he will stand up once again and bring the light.

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