Harry Potter Roleplay Ads' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Harry Potter Roleplay Ads

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[30 Jul 2008|06:14pm]



It's Christmas in July!

And Father Christmas needs your help granting a few Christmas wishes...

A hot-dog gun for Justin.
Some 7th Years for Demelza
Padma Patil!
A peer group for Colin
A Magnum P.I. moustache for Anthony.

...just to name a few!

Just For Kicks is a trio-era, Hogwarts based RPG that is - you guessed it! - Just For Kicks. It's all about putting the 'play' back into role-paying and having a good time. We are looking to add a few more characters to our cast & maybe get a few wishes granted along the way.

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[ viewing | July 30th, 2008 ]
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